Thursday, September 29, 2011


When COURAGE fails...
EN-COURAGEment works...

Friday, September 23, 2011


Writing to me is a self-balancing act...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


गरज गरज की बात है भैया
गरज के आगे क्या रुपैया |

जो अनाज खाने की चाह ना होती
सर्द से ठिठुरती रात ना होती |
तो अबभी आग से कोसो दुर हि होते
कच्चे मास पे जीते बंदर होत |
गरज गरज की बात है भैया
गरज के आगे क्या रुपैया |

भटक-भटक कर सर चकराया
तभी हमने गांव बसाया |
गांव-गांव मे अंतर बढता जाता
पहिया, गाडी, जहाज़-एक के बाद एक सब आता जाता |
गरज गरज की बात है भैया
गरज के आगे क्या रुपैया |

एक हाथ दे, एक हाथ ले
दुनिया का पहेला नीयम है ये |
हर गुथ्थी यहीं से उल्ज़े-सुल्ज़े
रीश्ते-नाते सब इसी से बनते |
गरज गरज की बात है भैया
गरज के आगे क्या रुपैया |

सही-गलत सब इसकी सुज़ाई
पाप-पुन्य भी इसीकी रचाई |
इसके चलते, गधे को बाप बनाया
इसने चाहा उसे सर के बल चलाया |
गरज गरज की बात है भैया
गरज के आगे क्या रुपैया |

गरज है जिसके सर पे भैया
वही नाचे है ता-ता-थैया |
गरज की जिसको गरज नहि है
गरज है उसके जेब मे भैया |

गरज गरज की बात है भैया
गरज के आगे क्या रुपैया |

Saturday, September 17, 2011


When the doer and the ritual remains constant - it is called routine

When the ritual remains the same but the doer changes - it is called tradition

When the doer remains the same but rituals change - it is called LIFE...

Friday, September 16, 2011


आसमान को और गहेरा बनाती है,
पेड-पोधों को और हरा बनाती है,
सुखी बेज़बान धरती मे जान डाल देती है,
जबही बारिश मेरे आंगन आती है

कमरे के खिडकी पे घोंसला जो देखा था,
घंटो चिडिया का इंतज्ञार भी किया था,
अब सारा दिन पर सुखाती नज्ञरबंद रहेती है,
जबही बारिश मेरे आंगन आती है

हर दिन चुल्हे से आंख चुराती थी,
गरम-तीखा नमकीन एक आंख ना भाती थी,
अब मन करारे पकोडे और चाय की चुस्की में अटकाती है,
जबही बारिश मेरे आंगन आती है

दिमाग पे जेसे ताला लगा था,
विचारो को जेसे तपते सुरज ने जकडा था,
अब विचारो के साथ कलम से स्याही भी बहेती है,
जबही बारिश मेरे आंगन आती है

वो आंसू जो तकिये मे सुख चुके थे,
वो हंसी जो आंचल मे बांध रखी थी,
बुंदो के छुते ही, यांदो को जीवीत कर जाती है,
जबही बारिश मेरे आंगन आती है

यों तो यह साल के मध्य मास मे आती है,
पर हर शुरूआत को अंत और अंत को शुरूआत दे जाती है,
जबही बारिश मेरे आंगन आती है

Monday, September 12, 2011

ज़िन्द्गी - २

तुम उलझाओ, तो उलझती है

तुम सुलझाओ, तो सुलझती है

तुम मुस्कुराओ, तो वो हसती है

तुम उदास हो, तो वो रोती है

होसला दो, तो वो सवरती है

घबरा जाओ, तो वो सहेम जाती है

डर से,अंधकार ले आती है

और प्यार से, गुद्गुदा जाती है

ना दो कदम आगे, ना दो कदम पीछे

ज़िन्द्गी बस साथ-साथ ही चलती है

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Love has been described everywhere lavishly, beautifully as the most amazing feeling that puts you on the ninth cloud. But what before that and what after that???
People don’t fall in love simultaneously or maybe they do but don’t realize it at the same time. Then what is the feeling before the realization called?? How do you describe that period of time?? – Pathetic, vulnerable, stupid!! It turns you into the world’s dumbest human. It is like that small tiny ant which when enters an elephant’s ear, makes that enormous, usually calm and probably the most sensible of the animals, dance on one foot.
It makes you blind, true; not to the surroundings but to yourself. You close your eyes to your insanity.
It makes you an alarm clock keeping record of your lover’s each and every movement; time to get up, time to cross your street, time to come to that window, time to sneak into their bed.
It makes you a time bomb with your eyes checking your phone, your mailbox and your door every next while, waiting for that knock and blasts when it doesn’t.
It makes an investigation agent out of you; analyzing every word that comes out of your lover’s throat and every expression he throws at you. You not only investigate it yourself but also deliver the job to your fellow investigators-your friends who judge it with their own experiences.
And if this isn’t enough to prove you insane, you develop crazy mood swings reaching highs and lows at any hour of the day till you reach the conclusions.
And I bet, Google too has no remedy to this painful journey!!

But there are totally different types of lovers. The fortunate ones are those who get a partner to accompany in the fall and the unfortunates are those who fall all alone, but the pre-love story still remains the same for everyone. The early you confess your love the more you free yourself from the yes-no trap but no one wants to get hurt and be portrayed as a miserable soul on a failure and this is what makes the journey rough and crazy.
And it never ends with the proposal being accepted, it just changes the course. Every pain and suffering from the pre-love stage is put to a different test here on. It refines those feelings and redefines your love.

Love like humans has pre-birth and post-birth stage. It too grows like us but unlike us it doesn’t have a physical form. A baby grows in its mother’s womb whereas love holds its roots in the partners’ hearts.
- The baby in a pre-birth stage is not seen or heard, it is just felt growing in the womb and hearts of the parents. Love too in pre-recognization stage is just felt. You would never have reasons supporting your feelings for someone; it just shows up as symptoms of someone’s presence in your life making you happier from within.
- Baby being not in picture in pre-birth stage, the partners are still just for each other. They together work out ways to nurture the baby when it comes in their lives. Lovers too before admitting their feelings for each other are more concerned for their partner than about sustaining the love and their image as a couple together.
- When the water breaks - is the stage when the feeling can no longer be suppressed and has to reach the receiver. Both the partners are agitated with the growth of it within them and know they have to make it reach the other end. Every sane-insane, verbal-gestural, logical-illogical way is tried and every prolonging moment just adds to the pain of being un-understood.
- And when the baby comes, it sparkles in the eyes of the partners. The happiness here means a lot more than winning a lottery, a jackpot, a race or a million dollar cash and remains the same till you celebrate your every “first time” events together.
- Here the story turns to the post-love stage. Now when you stare at your partner’s face, it’s not to adore the smile but to analyze the smile. Now when you make a special dinner for him; it’s not to show your love but to demand those beautiful earrings you were eyeing since long. Now when you bring her flowers, it’s not to make her happy but to make yourself little less guilty for being late for the date. Now when you hold hands, it’s not to show the world that you are couple but to try to show the world that you are couple. Earlier even the silences were heard whereas now the loudest of words also fail being heard. We forget that the human baby grows to have its own identity but love stands meaningless alone.
- “Re-birth” exists here too. At a very later stage, in old age; if the partners manage to sustain their superficial love, it gets chance of re-birth. It sparkles once again before it turns into the eternal darkness of death.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


There are no institutions that can teach you to write other than LIFE...