There was a girl Joe whose mother found her to be irresponsible and careless for her age. Being fifteen she was supposed to take care of her younger sister and learn household to help her mother meet the needs of the family.
Every morning her mother would start her day cursing Joe's behavior and laziness. Joe would get disappointed with her mother's everyday complaints but her school work and activities keep her so busy all day that she forgets all about her mom.
One Sunday morning, the story repeated itself but this time it was loud enough to awaken her dad to the friction between mom and daughter. Joe watching her mom complaining her dad, ran straight to her room and locked herself. Her dad, hearing to her mom went to her and told her that that her mom is losing faith in her and that if this continues she would send her to some other city for further studies. Worried of leaving home, Joe asked her dad 'is there any way I can prove myself to mom?'
Dad knew that Joe was still quite young for what her mother expected from her but the mother was not wrong either with her growing responsibilities. He thought for a while and told Joe that there is a way but he would talk to her mom first and that she would have to do as he asks her. Joe agrees.
Dad goes to mom and tells her 'I am going to give Joe one more chance which would include an exercise but you have to promise that you will keep out of it for a week.' The mother agrees hesitatingly.
Joe was waiting for her dad in her room and promised herself that whatever it is she would prove herself this time.
Dad arrives with a glass sphere. Joe had no clue of what it was meant for. Dad says 'This is it sweety. I have convinced your mom for a last chance and this time you have to prove her right.'
Handing her the sphere he says 'This is your part of responsibility for a week. Take care of it and don't let it break or scratch. I will check it thoroughly after a week and then me and your mom shall decide further.'
Joe agrees to it and takes the sphere from her dad.
A week passes by and on Saturday, a day before the parents decision, Joe's mom gets a call from Joe's school that she has been inactive for a whole week. She didn't participate in regular activities, didn't finish her homework and was lost in a sphere during lectures. Mom was furious but decided to wait until her dad came back from work.
When dad arrived, the mother ran to him and just before she could start her blasting, Joe's sister called her and said 'mom, i don't like Joe anymore. She didn't play with me and didn't allow me in her room for so many days.'
Dad, hearing this smiled. His trick had worked exactly. He called the mother and said 'our baby is perfectly responsible for her age. She takes care of her school work and never lets a complaint reach home, she plays with her sister and that's her part of caring.'
The mother realizes that she had over expected from her daughter and was making things worst for both of them.
Sunday morning, as Joe was waiting for her dad to declare the results of the test she was put through, her mother arrives and says
' Sweetheart, you don't need to prove yourself to me. I know you care. You care for me, your dad and your sister and that proves you are responsible.'
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
God! this annoying nail,
Tore my every new dress
Every time I hit it, I make a mess,
But to fix it, I always fail
Every time I see it, more I curse,
The day I don't, I love the most
I wonder then, if it's fixed I'll miss its ghost,
So I don't and life gets worse
This time I hit it when,
I had to reach some place urgent
I pulled out hard, that cut me through my pant,
Stained with blood, I got it then
Some things in life, I am stuck the most,
That smile me once and hurt me everyday
whose absence I romance and presence make me say-
"Have some courage and let it go,
It has no worth, if it makes life worst"
Tore my every new dress
Every time I hit it, I make a mess,
But to fix it, I always fail
Every time I see it, more I curse,
The day I don't, I love the most
I wonder then, if it's fixed I'll miss its ghost,
So I don't and life gets worse
This time I hit it when,
I had to reach some place urgent
I pulled out hard, that cut me through my pant,
Stained with blood, I got it then
Some things in life, I am stuck the most,
That smile me once and hurt me everyday
whose absence I romance and presence make me say-
"Have some courage and let it go,
It has no worth, if it makes life worst"
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Life is an irony -
We talk about satisfaction
when what keeps us moving is dissatisfaction.
We talk about peace
when what drives us are hassles.
We talk about love
when what we deep down fear is being unnoticed.
We talk about courage
when what drains us most is wearing it.
We talk about living to the fullest
when what we fear always is death.
We talk about satisfaction
when what keeps us moving is dissatisfaction.
We talk about peace
when what drives us are hassles.
We talk about love
when what we deep down fear is being unnoticed.
We talk about courage
when what drains us most is wearing it.
We talk about living to the fullest
when what we fear always is death.