Monday, April 25, 2016


Facing yourself got to be the toughest task in the world. Well I don't mean, looking into the mirror, not literally of course but sure metaphorically.
There have been millions of good, bad, embarrassing, shameful incidents in everyone's lives since childhood and irrespective of the fact that we forgive those or not, they get stored into the dungeons of our minds. We lock those scary dark places, leaving those dirty, filthy prisoners to their fact hoping they would disappear with time. And then we get busy with making new experiences, busy with jobs we assign ourselves to the daytime and family and friends for the rest of the day. Nowadays not even the nights are lonely and interrogative, thanks to our cellphones and social media.
We have become so equipped with things to do, that we don't allow ourselves time to grieve our loses, time to contemplate our mistakes, time to plan improvisation. We as a community, have fought and achieved right to information but as humans we deny those rights to our minds, to question our frigidity, our cowardice, our incompetence or our successes and pleasures.
And as a result, we cannot sit alone doing nothing. Any such void becomes a sign of danger to our lives. Within seconds of stillness, our minds rush back to those long forgotten locked forever dungeons, opening every door, visiting every prisoner, digging out every I-don't-want-to-remember-that-ever moment, making it impossible to face ourselves ever alone. And then we plan our every second of the rest of our lives so carefully not to allow such moments to appear ever. But the mighty nature has planned such time for each one of us. At some point in our lives, we will have to go through the dungeons and decide either to go lock ourselves with those prisoners or to hear them out and release them, accepting all our shortcomings and strengths.
Those who have been there and done that will always love to face themselves (figuratively of course).