Saturday, November 13, 2010

wisdom & madness

wisdom sometimes ties you down with ropes of responsibility and awareness whereas madness gives you wings to fly in the sky full of opportunities just for your dreams.
people living by wisdom usually miss on the fun out of irregularity, risks and randomness whereas people living by madness lose friends as they are carefree about consequences of being head strong and following dreams no matter what.
striking the balance seems to be the solution but there are just two kind of people and the inclination to any one side will always be more.
wisdom leads you to solutions but can hold you in confusion for a long time before the final decision as there is a big battle between master of wishes (heart) and slave of rules and responsibility (mind). sometimes it prevents you from living your dreams by revealing the darker side of it whereas madness sees no second or negative thoughts, it only holds the high voltage of passion towards the goal, the idea, the dream, the belief.

wisdom leads to a successful life but madness ensures a satisfied life.


  1. Where is the 'like' button? what made you write this? I can so relate to this logic v/s desire struggle ....
