Sounds adventurous..!!
When you stand at the edge of the cliff just a few seconds before the jump, you realize that the adventure is getting you cold feet.
The toe fingers squinch. You see the water surface below, imagine it's depth, wish not to bump into anything stony below, compare the height of the cliff with other surrounding cliffs and regret on not choosing the easier one and consequently turn pale.
With continuously succumbing to the growing anxiety, you start regretting your decision wanting to back out. You question every cell of your body whether it really wants to do this and when the dilemma reaches its verge you just close your eyes and jump. The jump happens with zero thoughts and zero emotions. That was the only blank second after which again the mind picks up but you are already in air. You curse yourself on that thoughtless action. You panic and try to reach out to something that can take you back up but finding it too late for retrieval, you surrender. You go with the wind and just before you reach the surface of the water, you find yourself content enough to witness your fall.
You did it. Back on land, you thank god for your decision as there is a sense of achievement over the hidden fears. The whole emotional saga is what makes the experience - adventurous.
Strange but true - almost every important turn of life has quite a similar adventure graph.
When you stand at the edge of the cliff just a few seconds before the jump, you realize that the adventure is getting you cold feet.
The toe fingers squinch. You see the water surface below, imagine it's depth, wish not to bump into anything stony below, compare the height of the cliff with other surrounding cliffs and regret on not choosing the easier one and consequently turn pale.
With continuously succumbing to the growing anxiety, you start regretting your decision wanting to back out. You question every cell of your body whether it really wants to do this and when the dilemma reaches its verge you just close your eyes and jump. The jump happens with zero thoughts and zero emotions. That was the only blank second after which again the mind picks up but you are already in air. You curse yourself on that thoughtless action. You panic and try to reach out to something that can take you back up but finding it too late for retrieval, you surrender. You go with the wind and just before you reach the surface of the water, you find yourself content enough to witness your fall.
You did it. Back on land, you thank god for your decision as there is a sense of achievement over the hidden fears. The whole emotional saga is what makes the experience - adventurous.
Strange but true - almost every important turn of life has quite a similar adventure graph.
i like this post. Thanks for sharing