Saturday, October 1, 2016


"eating, sleeping, mating - is plain thinking, this thinking also in the animals... So if we keep animal life problems, at the same time we claim that we are civilised, is it very nice? - Swami Prabhupada.

Then what?? Gathering of wealth, reaching highs of society - is that what is humane? Certainly not, for that is human created.

Evolution of mankind - the ever fascinating concept to me. Why do we exist? Or who am I? Are these the questions not everyone bothers about? Then what makes some struck by these and some saved from it?
Age seems to have no roleplay in the game of enlightenment. Some get these answers at an infant age and some don't even reach the questions on their death bed.

I have ever been wondering why we all are put on different ways when the goal is the same? Why some live as animals, some question their existence while some know it all?

And with my search for answers, I have settled with a self created theory for now, that evolution in a life span is not possible. Evolution needs many reincarnations to be achieved. Those at older ages not yet understanding the purpose of existence might be at the first stage of evolution whereas those understanding it at early age must be at the apex of evolution. And the in between stages would be of guilt, acceptance, questioning, understanding and applying, improving.... in the precise order. That justifies the animal, in between and enlightened stages to me.

I would really like to know if anyone can help me dig deeper...