Saturday, October 5, 2019


Today after a long break I pulled myself to the desk to write a blog post. I kept fiddling with my pen and mulling over correct words, phrases and storyline to describe what was going on with my life but I couldn't. "Where the hell my creativity is lost? Why am I not able to describe metanoia that I am going through?" Then my son walked in declaring that he won't brush his teeth today. I rolled my eyes thinking that "chal yaar, big deal, I can spare him one day with unbrushed teeth and myself of all the drama that follows." But then suddenly the sincere mom in me yelled "you idiot, sparing him for a day will tell him that it's ok to skip brushing teeth sometimes and bathing and not being punctual and blah and blah. You are messing with his foundational habits." I rolled my eyes again and went to him with yet another story of what happens if we don't brush teeth and how fresh it feels after brushing and so on.

Him. He, on the other hand was just testing the water. He saw his mommy occupied with something really serious and meaningful to her and he wanted to check that will she put all aside and go for the rules or may be he was trying to find a hole in the loop which he can use in future for bigger things. Yes, I know you must be thinking how can I be so sure that this were his thoughts at that moment. BECAUSE after breaking my head over it, he easily gave in. No further retaliation...!! Just an eerie smile.

So I concluded that this is where all my creative juices these days are going. Persuasions, arguements, counterarguments and reasonings. And if, by chance any ounce of creativity is still breathing somewhere in my mind then that is shadowed by this overwhelming human I am raising.

If a one year and two year old is defiant then a three year old is also defiant but with a smirk on his face. 

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