Sunday, March 5, 2017


People who visited me after I delivered, have asked one thing - how does it feel being a mother? And I was not able to answer them in a word. Later, I thought to myself, is something wrong with me that I can't say " it's fantastic feeling, I feel on top of the world" or "now I feel complete". But the fact was, I felt none of it. Neither I am depressed about anything. Giving birth was the biggest physical challenge I have faced but it did not make me feel motherhood instantaneously. But when today, we went for his vaccination and he cried during the injections, tears trickled down my eyes.
This magical connection I felt in that moment, realised me of being a mother.
And this reminded me of Sadguru's quote on motherhood " the beauty of motherhood is not in reproduction but in inclusion".


  1. lovely....welcome the joys of motherhood!!beautifully written....

  2. being a mother is greatest feel. Thanks for share this post anyway😊
